The Role of Church Leadership in a Post-Christian Era

This blog post goes along with Episode 7 of our Texas Leadership Summit Podcast
Deanna Kenisell, Director at Texas Leadership Summit
Tim Webb, Founder & Board Member at Texas Leadership Summit

In a period characterized by changing cultural environments and shifting spiritual beliefs, the importance of church leadership remains crucial in addressing the obstacles presented by a world moving away from Christianity. As conventional religious groups decline and non-religious beliefs become more prevalent, church leaders are at a crossroads between old traditions and new modern values, responsible for leading their communities through a landscape filled with doubt, diversity, and questions about existence.

This episode, I am joined by Deanna Kenisell, the director of the Texas Leadership Summit. She has worked with non-profit organizations for the last 15 years to raise awareness, expand growth & development, and ignite giving hearts. She became a member and active leader of the Praise and Worship Team at Champion Fellowship. In addition, she is at the helm of Big Hearted Babes. Deanna, Interview me, and I share my thoughts on Church pillars, the importance of having the orthodox teachings in the church, where to get the orthodox teaching, and the biggest obstacle that church leaders are facing today. I also talk more about how to lead our families and how to handle things you don’t like. Tune in for more!

[00:49] Church pillars
[05:01] Importance of having the orthodox teachings in the church
[06: 51] Where to get the orthodox teaching
[11:10] Tim’s thoughts on right thinking
[14:34] The biggest obstacle that church leaders are facing today
[19:10] How to lead our families
[21:23] How to handle things you don’t like
[24:30] Pastor’s accessibility
[25:16] Church leadership in history

Notable Quotes
(00:44) “Church sustains life.”
(10:57) “Right thinking, right response.”
(16:40) “It’s not our job to force people to become Christians.”
(18:20) “Courage is not the absence of fear, it’s the willingness to saddle every day.”
(23:18) “The intent of the sinful nature is to drive you away from God.”
(28:39) “If you surfer for doing what is right, you find favor with the Lord.”

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