Keith Bower

Chair, C12 Greater Houston and Brazos Valley

Leadership Strategies

Most businesses pursue earthly purposes, with leaders who are well prepared to lead those businesses effectively. But how do you lead a business that is also pursuing heavenly purposes – businesses that prioritize not just profitability, but also spiritual impact? In this session, you will learn how high impact Christian business leaders lead differently. You will learn how they think and act based on God’s purposes and His eternal scorecard.

Bob Pruitt

Senior Counsel, Corporate Affairs, Alliance Defending Freedom

Legal Foundations

We are living in a litigious age. Expressions of religious faith in the public square are considered by many to be not just objectionable, but actionable. How can a business that is seeking to influence people for Christ prepare itself for possible legal challenges? In this session, you will learn what senior business leaders can do right now to lay the foundations for an effective religious liberty defense in the future.

Todd Stewart

Chairman, Gulf Winds International

Community Impact Ideas

Our communities are facing growing challenges, often leaving local leaders, agencies and organizations feeling overwhelmed. How can Christian business leaders leverage their businesses as platforms for Kingdom impact? In this session, you will learn a host of practical ideas for community impact – ideas that will bless not only your community, but also your team as they experience the rewards of making a difference in the name of Jesus.

Dr. Heather Thielemann

SVP Strategic Innovation and Enrollment, SHSU

Workplace-Based Job Training

With every business struggling to find qualified employees, workforce training is one of the great challenges of our time. High schools, colleges and even Chambers of Commerce are responding by making career and workforce education a major priority. How can Christian businesses support and even leverage the workforce training effort? In this session, you will learn how to join the effort and how to blend vocational and spiritual mentorship.